Tony Brignull Quotes on Copy, by @cparkerbparker







By Charlie Parker


1. Copy should be brilliant thoughts brilliantly expressed in a line.


When working on a brief I usually look for a thought first then work on a line but there is no right way. Try to be flexible, as long as both are done brilliantly, you will be fine.


2. Some products have no unique selling point so write something original instead.
If your product is something like margarine, it is easy to groan and get stuck trying to be too clever. Instead embrace this opportunity as a chance to show off your writing and do something different. 

3. Great lines don’t have to be clever, they just have to speak to people.

You need to know who you are talking to before you start to write. So do your research, find out their habits and respect your audience.


4. Parker Pens – sell writing not pens.


I often find myself focusing on what the product is rather than what the product can do. Try to think about the product benefits and what those benefits can bring.


5. There is a rhythm to the writing.


At the D&AD question and answer session Ian Wharton said exactly the same thing. I agree, there is a rhythm to writing and the writing process. Understand it and the cadence will work for you.


Bonus Quote: It is always nice to quote writers who are better than yourself.

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