This is hard @ChristianAasber

By Christian Aasberg

Balancing school and life, finding the time to do the briefs the best you can and doing all the things you been thinking of doing when you get home.

There can be a lot of things that you want to do, for me it has been training, calling my friends, going on dates and taking time to relax a bit. I only managed to do one of those things since I arrived here.

I haven’t got around to train while I have been in London, which along with maybe a little too much beer have made me gain 12 kg….
Except not training I haven’t talked to my friends back home as much as I would have liked, I sometimes get’s calls from them, a couple of days ago I got a call from my best friend saying “Hey it’s Nicklas, your best friend” where to I replied “I know, I got your contact on my phone” and he said “yeah, but I just wanted to make sure that you actually remembered who I was” I know he said it in fun, but it still made me feel bad, because I know I have know I haven’t really talked to him since I got here.

It can be hard when you get to a new place, with new surroundings and new school Where you want to try your best to fit in and do your best work, But now I Think I have finally understood the value of time management and how important a resource it can be. So just before I sat down to write this SCAB, I went on my first run since mid-August, and f*** me it felt good to get out on the Road again even though it was very hard it was worth every panting, blood taste in my mouth mile of it.

Also running is a great way to relax, I love to meditate and do it every day, but for me, nothing beats a good run or a nice swim.

We have to take care of our self and remember that if we forget about our self and don’t make our self-feel good, we slowly start to drift into a place where it is not fun anymore, and for me advertising is my passion and I don’t want to have a feeling that it is just another assignment that has to be done or another case film that has to be made, I want to feel the way I do now about making advertisement, that it is fun and that I really enjoy doing it.

So I have made a plan, even though I might be busy working on a brief, I will make time to do some running, it might only be half an hour but that does not matter, it will help me in the long run (see what I did there….okay that was bad)

So just to sum this up, I have learned to time manage my week better and make room for the things I want to do, things that I need to do in order to be happy.

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