Perspective – By @ZSlatter

By Zoe Slatter



Hey. When life gets hard you begin to over think. What chocolate bar should I have, a Whisper or a Flake? You panic, and flurry around the shop knocking off shelves of biscuits as your arms spiral out of control. Take a sit down and think, what are you doing!? You have a family to love, friends to laugh with, and overall bigger things in the world to care about. Plus you just made crumbs of over 100 biscuits.

Advertising is stressful, we’ve all been told that, yet everyone seems to be walking unknowingly into the lights and glamour of advertising that we’ve been promised. I’m not one for fake hope, I know it’s going to be hard, so because of that, I dwell on every decision I make aiming for perfection in my every move probably the reason I never sent send to this scab yesterday.

But I read something (yesterday) morning, something that made me stop, think and reminded me to decide on what makes you happy. Unfortunately, I read about someone I know catching the beginnings of breast cancer. It’s sad to think that these horrific things are what make people realise the facts and change the direction they are heading in.

I don’t feel comfortable writing about this and don’t fancy any of it being posted on the SCA website, nor anyone reading it.
So do what fucking makes you happy and it’s horrible to think something like this makes you think that. Live for now, think ahead, but only a year. I want to enjoy my life, not spend it worrying.

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