Our Day With Lynette


By MOSH – The Intake of 2014/15




Today MOSH had a day with Lynette Murphy doing something ‘a little bit different’ – Here are our highlights…


Nathan: Even with deadlines looming, taking a step back from work and doing something completely different Cannes really free your mind.


Dounia: It was good to not think about advertising and briefs for a day. Just drawing all together was very nice and fun.


Annie: Sometimes you miss the fun, but as long as you end up drinking prosecco on the lawn with a friend and sharing a laugh it’s all good – sponsored by Valdo Prosecco™


Marco: It drove me back to week one, when we barely remembered each other’s names.  


James: Sometimes we get so caught up in the bullshit that we forget what we used to love about this school. I really appreciated getting back a bit of my childlike wonderment


Edwina: it’s difficult to have fun with a deadline. Not taking things too seriously today was really relaxing.


Elin: Unfortunately I missed the whole day because of illness. I’m looking forward to hear more about Alex being a clitorus.


Soren: “Something kills the flow”  


Adam: At first I was dubious, but actually it makes a lot of sense to spend a day enjoying nonsense. Also it was worth it just to see Larry – the avant-garde thesp.


Rob: I only realised afterwards that I broke character during our “play” and started addressing Eytan as myself. Rookie mistake, sorry about that. I also realised afterwards how good it was to bond as a group again, and how good it was to have a bit of fun for fun’s sake, FFS.


Tom EB:  I was hesitant to begin with. Doing something different, in this case ‘not working’ felt like sacrilege with so much to get done. However once you just switch off the outpouring of creativity was great. There was no pressure to be good and no pressure from ourselves. We were all in child state for 3 or 4 hours and it it definitely helped to recharge our creative engines.


Clarissa: It was terrific fun acting on stage with the rest of the gang. I used to act at school and miss it.


Jacqui: It was good to improvise without any real reason again and be creative just for the hell of it.


Fiona: Initially, all I wanted to was to keep on working. Being forced to switch off for the all day was probably the best idea.

I felt carefree for the first time in ages.


Charlie: the insides of a creative mind is seriously twisted.


Tom M: With everyone in pairs all day you often don’t chat to other people for more than a lunch break. It was great to mix things up and spend time with different people.


OR Mawby as a clitorus – a character he should definitely consider for kids parties. tom it’s clitoris


Georgia: Although it was hard to forget about work/ deadlines/ the sun outside, Lawrence’s performance was certainly an experience. Good to break routine and the expected.


Joel: Initially it was painful to take the focus off work for the day, but actually I haven’t had such a fun day at school in a long time, and it feels like it’s been a real refresher.


Eytan: It was so much fun to spend some time with each other in a non – professional environment for a change. Loved Eytan by Rob Sanderson.


Alex M: The highlight of my day was getting in touch with my inner clitoris. Orgasmic.


Jezza: Switching our brains off for a day was the hardest and the best thing that could have happened at SCA, and it just happened today, right in the middle of the week.


Nina: The variety of plays that were created and everyone’s different performing roles were hilarious! (Particularly Alex as a clitoris). Also. It was great to bond as a group again.


Lawrence: the best Rob impression in the world by Steve.


Stephen: Me and Adam came out of the session and had a productive couple of hours afterwards, so today was proof that we’re solving problems, even in our subconscious. Play is when we’re at our best, and personally I forget that way too often, and so the session was a timely reminder to keep an eye on it. Oh, and playing Rob was weirdly therapeutic. I hope I got the shrugs right.


Duke: It was just really nice for me as the newby to get to know you all.


Mads: Even though Cannes was at the back of my mind, it was good to just switch off the front.


Marcella: thankfully Cannes got postponed so we managed to enjoy it more. It was hard to switch off initially but it was so nice to have a laugh together

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