More than an Ad School – By @james_reyn

James Reynolds

By James Reynolds


More than an Ad School

I’m in a reflective state about our first term here at SCA.
Last week I realised it’s much more than just an ad school. It’s also a shrink.
I have had a difficult first term. I’ve loved every minute of it, but I have battled with an internal voice in my head from day one. “Am I good enough to be here?”
It’s called Imposter Syndrome.
I’ve carried this insecurity around with me for 13 weeks and not really spoken to anyone about it until last week.
That’s the one regret I have about term one.
After speaking to Marc all of my thoughts and feelings made sense.
Positive life events can have as much psychological disruption as negative events.
The high of winning a place at SCA (and a huge shift in my life / career change) was followed by a low of uncertainty, loss of confidence and confusion.
All normal human responses to change according to the Transition Cycle.
As you accept the new situation, you can transform your well-being back to a normal feel good state.
Simply talking about it has helped everything make sense and I know that I am in the right place.
I’m sure that i’m not the first student to feel like this after joining SCA and i won’t be the last. So if this SCAB finds anybody that it relates to now or in the future, then hopefully it can help to reassure them that the services provided at SCA extend further than just advertising mentoring.

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