Thank A Mentor Week – Day 5

Day 5

It’s the last day of Thank A Mentor Week and we end with an awards ceremony. Hundreds gathered to discover whether they had won a coveted School of Communication Arts mentoring award. Today’s video is brought to you by Jon, Alex, Thomas and Matthew.


Day 4

Problem – the school has over 350 mentors and this team of students want to drink a pint for every mentor.

Solution – 350 pints? That’s not a problem for our students. Thursday’s video is brought to you by Laura, Alex, Lewis and Carolina


Day 3

Wednesday’s video comes from Charlie and Nathan. They chose to thank their mentors with just their chins. This is definitely the most surreal video in the series. Oddly, turning your phone upside down doesn’t make it any less weird.

Enjoy. And thank you, lovely mentors.


Day 2

In case you missed it, here is Tuesday’s video from Corryn, Victoria and Dan.


Day 1

Our first video was made by Tom, Jenni and Hilmi. Not only does it look and sound beautiful, it also captures so much of the knowledge shared by our mentors.


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