Idea Jealousy, by @FrazerPrice


By Frazer Price


Idea jealousy


Late in the studio last night a beautiful lady named Georgia leaned over my desk and proclaimed seductively – “Ogilvy have just made this thing where potholes tweet asking to be fixed when they’re hit by cars”.

This was the latest offender to one of my personal attributes I wish I didn’t possess.


Idea jealousy.


It starts with a sigh and a long stretch while I think about if I was playing in that space would I have come up with it too.

Then I usually put my head in my hands and imagine what it would be like to have that idea in my book.

At this point I remember briefly that I have work to do and I should be focusing on what I’m doing.

Then that perfectly rounded idea creeps back into my head as soon as I begin to ideate my own half formed idea.

This is something I’ve been struggling with for a while even before SCA, I can’t help but compare myself, odd, because I don’t do that with anything else in life other than ideas. I’ve been constantly told it’s a bad thing to do. *whiny annoying voice* You can’t be creatively free if your constantly jealous of what everyone else is doing.

I disagree. My idea jealously is one of things that drives me to create, I want to make better ideas, smarter ideas, funnier ideas. And if it means being angry once and a while at someone who’s done a good job then so be it – there’s always the next one sir.


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