I have a confession to make -Eve Rédélé

By Eve Rédélé

I have a confession to make but before I want to know If you have always been kind to the people you know. Yes ? No ? No ! We can be all bitches sometimes. But there one thing I want to know more about it Do you remember when you were a pre-teen? No ? Me Yes and that story change a lot.


Have you ever been bullied? Has it happened to your peers or have you just seen or heard about it on TV? Many people have different opinions on what bullying is. Some say it is kicking or hitting someone; others say it’s when you say mean things or call someone names. It happened to me


I was in France in 4th grade I had braces ACNE, Not the sexiest things on earth I must admit. I had friends; I was quite happy! Good grades and all the packages that come with. That was a good life But One day, one of my class partner start telling me that I was fat and ugly. I didn’t reply. I thought it was a joke. And to that day during one year, he started telling me that I was fat, ugly and no ones will ever love me. I’m not the only one.


More Than 15% of the children between primary school and high school get bullied. One out four children do not talk about it. I was one of those. I was so ashamed and believed it.


How stupid I am you could think right. To believe a 14 years old boy. And you’re right But I that time, I wasn’t that strong and start believing him. Every day during one year, I’ve lost friends, Had the impression to be fat and ugly and no one will ever like me. That was a terrible impression.


One stupid boy ruined my 14-year-old years. As I was thinking myself that I was a looser, people started thinking the same. And – Oh cruel can we be at that age – I didn’t want to go school anymore, my grades were terrible. Nothing was on form. But I was lucky enough to have my best friend. She Told my parents and they manage to help me. I was so angry at her that I even become bitchier, but I know it was to help me.


I thank her today. She gave me back my self-confident and helped me when no one wanted. But this is only my story, and their much more


Okay, you are probably wondering what the different types of bullying are?


Statistics show that there are six different types of bullying: Physical, Verbal, Indirect, social Alienation., intimidation and last but not least Cyber Bullying. Verbal Bullying is the most common because it is not as quickly noticed as physical is. Talk about how horrible this is! Think if you were the target or the person that got bullied! Bullies bully because it makes them feel better than everyone else! Also, they do it because they have been bullied at some point in life and feel like they need revenge.


A bully can be a person that is big or someone small; it just depends on what type of bullying we are talking about. You may think now – wow – how can you stop bullying when you can barely see it happening! I mean how are you supposed to put an end to it when it goes on 24/7? The best way for you to make a start is to talk to your friends and have a discussion


Bullying is so wrong that it can end up with dying and killing others which shows exactly how serious and bad this is! Also, I just want you to remember never listen to someone who brings you down and don’t believe in you they are the worst and think twice when you say something Remember everything I have told you today and you will not be a bully or not be afraid to stand up for yourself!


Just be strong, keep your head up high and do your best to stop bullying once and for all! Remember, school Bullying is EVERYONE’s business!

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