Goals – By @james_reyn

James Reynolds

By James Reynolds




One week down at SCA, and so much learned already. As much as i am here to learn advertising, i am enjoying the early masterclasses on learning techniques, time management and mindfulness.
On Day One, amongst many other things, we were presented with a ‘SELF Journal’ and asked to complete it each day. I have never kept a diary or a journal in my life so this was a pretty daunting task for me. It’s based primarily on goal setting and using your time most effectively to achieve said goals.
On Day Two we had a talk about mindfulness with Ben the Buddhist.
Now if you had said that to me a few years ago i would have laughed at the idea. But this wasn’t your archetypal buddhist in robes.
Ben captivated me with his story from the get go. I found a couple of parallels between his life and mine, and I was really inspired by him.
Ben made it clear “Goals are fundamental to Mental Health”. That really struck a chord with me. I realised that throughout my life i have been happiest when i have been working towards a goal, however big or small.
This was also reiterated on an agency visit on Day Three by a Creative Team at BMB – “Have a clear goal, and you’ll score”.
There seemed to be a reoccurring message coming from all angles this week.

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