For the class of 16/17 – By @NihalTharoor

Nihal Tharoor-Menon

By Nihal Tharoor-Menon



For the class of 16/17


Holy shit, did I just go through that?


I remember Marc consoling me a year ago after I failed to get shortlisted for a scholarship, saying you should be thrilled, you’re about to experience the best year of your life.


SCA has been a lot of things for me but ‘best’ doesn’t quite capture them.


It’s been the most intense, the most enlightening, the most brutal, the most engaging, the most creative, the most challenging.


It’s taken me from Cloud 9 to A&E (with a bout of stress-induced eczema) and back again.


While it has been incredible, calling it the ‘best’ year of my life would suggest I’d love to relive it – and I certainly would not.


That may scare you. That’s understandable.


SCA is a wonderfully traumatic rollercoaster ride.


You spend the first term slowly rising. The second term you drop. And the third you fly through dozens of loops at breakneck speed.


And then, suddenly, the ride rolls to end.


It’s strange emerging into the last week feeling calm, with a book I’m proud of, a strong partnership and definite job prospects. There were times I doubted any of this would be possible.


But it is, and it will be for you too.


So have a relaxing summer class of 16/17 – and get ready for your own unforgettable ride.


Really, Sam Jackson in Jurassic Park said it all.


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