Fiona says some things

Fiona Tabastot






By @ftabastot


Fiona says some things.

Fiona says some things that may not make sense.

Fiona says some things that may make sense but not necessarily in the right order.


Fiona loved when Pete told us some things.

Fiona doesn’t really like to speak about herself. Maybe that’s why she finds it easier to speak about herself in the 3rd person. As if she was speaking about someone else. As if she was trying to sell the benefits of something like she did over an imaginary bacon sandwich with Marc and Lucy (brown sauce please).

She knows this SCAB won’t make that much sense to most people.


On Monday, she has been asked to described herself in 6 words. Tough question.

She carefully chose random words that didn’t really mean anything, mixed them and hoped it will bring an end to the exercise.

It didn’t. Instead, Adah asked Marc if it was describing Fiona.


Pause (Marc take a puff).

He finally said those 6 words.


I am not going to tell them.

They sound like a gift I don’t deserve yet.

And I want to do everything so those 6 words really make sense at the end of the year.



Thank you, come again.

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