Curiosity – By @ZSlatter

By Zoe Slatter




To be curious, you have to just be nosy. So why is being nosey considered a negative thing, yet being curious is considered fantastic, socially relevant, and forward thinking? In fact, being nosy is defined as showing too much curiosity about other people’s affairs. Contradictory or what?


I think everyone’s nosy; I am. Don’t tell me that you would walk past someone getting arrested and not take a cheeky second glace, or seventh.


I get, privacy is a massive thing. I realised this after finding that people could see exactly where I was on the new feature of Snapchat. I got a message saying, ‘Zo, aww you’re already on the train back to London’ as my Snapchat ‘bic’ emoji riding a train illustration told every one of my friends my exact movements. So I apologised quickly that I never saw this person, and turned my self to ‘ghost mode’. I don’t want people to know where I am all the time, being nosy into my personal life and whereabouts, surely that strips them of any curiosity into what I’m doing and the craziness that is my personal life (lol). 


Messenger, WhatsApp, blah blah blah, they all know where we are, we’re practically chipped, so is this diminishing curiosity in our lives? People may think, why are they there (if they really want to spend their time thinking this), but of course, they’ll retrofit some situation into it. So what’s left to be curious about? What’s left to be interested about in someone’s life, usually the starting point of a conversation to make a new friend.


I’m not entirely sure where I’m going with this for now. But if I’m honest, Snapchat you scared me. I don’t use you a lot, I prefer instagram. But hey I suppose there’s still some people that use you, and love to see their ‘bic’ emoji being stalked. 2018, the year of security, going to a great start.


  1. Snapchat, thanks for telling me I was being tracked.


pps. hi Zuck.

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