Breakfast Means Breakfast – By @alexbottner_

By Alex Bottner


Breakfast Means Breakfast



This poster outside Scribbler cracked me up as I passed by it in Waterloo station.


I wish I’d thought of it.


It sums up how meaningless these carefully crafted slogans really are.


When I read the print underneath the poster, I wasn’t so sure how I felt.


Should we be worried that politics has become such a joke that it deserves its own novelty section in Scribbler?!


They’ve got some good lines, but would you really like someone getting you a card with Theresa May’s face on it wishing you a “strong and stable marriage”?


Would you be pissed at your coworkers if they got you a card saying “sorry EU’re leaving” or would you be amused?


Does this make the situation we’re in right now seem more normal? Or does it imply that the majority of us are fed up with what’s going on, but we have birthdays and other shit going in our lives?


They even have a range of “Pet Hates” toys. You can choose whether your doggo will knock the stuffing out of Jeremy Corbyn or Boris John.


I wonder if Jeremy Corbyn ever catches his face on a card outside Scribbler in Waterloo Station, as he pauses to stretch his legs after sitting on the floor of a train carriage.


Is Theresa May sick of her own catchphrases? Does she feel the urge to catch a train to the nearest wheat field as she repeats “Brexit means Brexit” for the millionth time in parliament?


I don’t have much of a point to this, except to say that I think it’s interesting what novelty political stuff says about where we’re at right now.

The copy scores 74.8 in the Flesch Reading Ease test

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